Verse of the Day

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A New Look for the Chapel

A little late, but here's a look at the chapel...

And after- 
This project took us forever, it seemed, but was so worth it!   Morning worship and devotions are held every morning, and are open to staff and patients, and anyone else from the area that wants to stop in...  so it is probably the area that is open to most, and welcomes a large diversity of people.

The trees that I depicted on this mural are modeled from real trees that I enjoyed around the hospital and mission complex... this is the Jacaranda Tree... love these trees!!!  Wish I could take it home...

  And these trees where everywhere, and had these beautiful exotic blooms all over-  however, nobody can tell me what kind of tree it is... I want one for my backyard!

Ashley helped by painting the chapel floor.  If you check out the photo above, you can see that she also painted "Jesus Loves you" across the front, per Pastor Chibula's inspiration.   Turned out great!
With Pastor Chibula-  This man is a blessing to his community and the hospital.  
His heart's desire was to create an environment of peace and calm when you enter the chapel... 
I was privileged to be able to help with that.
and with Ashley, my niece and art student...
although she will balk at this, she really was a huge help in painting during her off-duty hours.  
The grass in the background was actually painted by her
(we have an inside joke about that which makes me giggle whenever I think of it!)

1 comment:

  1. God bless you.. I enjoyed reading all that you did and I am sure it will impact all that visit there.
